vintage radio on table

Research Finds Radio Advertising Works

I’ve never heard a radio advertisement I liked - everything about them bugs me. From the fanatical announcer, to repeating of the phone number three or more times, the obnoxious jingles… everything. Must give a little credit to Tom Shane…
online shopping cart

Why are Retailers Destroying Brick and Mortar Retail?

My wife wants one gift for Christmas. At face value, the trickiest part is choosing style A over style B for a cross-body purse. Actually, that proved to be the easiest part. Navigating my way through the checkout process proved to be more challenging.…
email marketing illustration

Content Marketing is Gaining, But There Are Still No Short Cuts

According to Forbes, 89% of B2B marketers and 86% of B2C marketers report using content marketing to increase leads and drive their brand forward. According to the 2017 benchmarks and trends report from Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs,…
robot working on virtual display

Bow to Your Robot Overlords

In an article entitled, “You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot—and Sooner Than You Think,” writer Kevin Drum states: “The AI Revolution will be nothing like [the industrial revolution]. When robots become as smart and capable as human…
two guys removing damaged drywall

Rebuilding in Lumberton

A new adventure I’ve said this in previous blog posts, but I’m going to say it again. One of the things I love about Ideba is the focus on giving back. We do that locally by helping support West Union Elementary with school supplies and…
happy holidays

Holiday Commercial Creep

I wondered if it was just me…or if holiday TV commercials were appearing even earlier this year.  It was literally the day after Halloween when I noticed what was clearly a holiday commercial – of the Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa ilk…not…
post-it notes with brand components

The One Thing Millennials Haven’t Ruined (Yet)

There’s a near-constant onslaught of headlines outlining the vast number of things Millennials have killed. From golf to relationships, they’ve been accused of taking them all out, one by one. Of course, there are some very good reasons…