Shaking up a Social Media Strategy

Upon recently taking a closer look at Ideba’s social media analytics, we’ve realized it might be time to change up our strategy a little bit. While it’s easy to place a priority on marketing efforts for a client, it seems to be even easier to let our own efforts stagnate.

Some things to take into consideration when evaluating a social media posting strategy:

  1. What platforms to post on: Which platform best suits your business and reaches your target audience?
  2. How frequently to post: Does your post frequency fit the norms of the platform?
  3. What kind of content to post: What kind of posts will best engage your audience?

Currently, the third point is where it feels like there is the most opportunity for development. While there’s not necessarily anything wrong with maintaining a strategy that has proved to be effective, it seems only logical that adding some post variety by diversifying content would keep followers more engaged. But what kind of content? According to this article, there are eight key types of posts to share on your chosen platforms. While these may not all suit every business, conversational posts and response pieces to recent industry news seem like a good place to start.

While a relevant discussion topic or article may help engage followers, you need to get their attention first. Of course, an intriguing description and a call to action are important for a post, but in terms of standing out, a visual element is key. This article claims that tweets with images perform substantially better than tweets without.

What I’m taking away from this information is that a little more diversity in content with more attention paid to the visual aspect could serve to better engage our audience without radically redesigning our current strategy.

Do you find any one type of content particularly engaging? Let us know on Twitter: @IdebaMarketing

Perri Read, Junior Consultant