Navigating Work from Home as an Intern

Working from home as a college intern can present unique challenges, especially for someone who grew up in the digital age. Managing distractions while navigating a new way of working can be daunting when you're at the beginning of your career…

Three Cautions for Marketers at Startups

In a startup, single individuals often handle multiple roles. Someone handling sales might also spearhead marketing, or vice-versa. Yes, that’s scrappy and agile and all that, but it can also cause significant confusion. That’s because sales…

Accurate and actionable decision-making information

While it’s been said that marketing without data is like driving with your eyes closed, in The Age of Information I think marketers are running into the opposite problem! They have so much data piped into their world it gets in the way of…

A Failing Power Grid: The Aftermath of Innovation

Recently, during a conversation about NVIDIA and AI, something came up that I had not previously considered: the impact of AI on the power grid. In a place like California, which has already seen difficulties simultaneously cooling houses and…

Exploring the Intersection of Neuroscience and Market Research

As I mark my six-month milestone at Ideba, I’ve begun to reflect on my journey thus far into the world of market research, my first venture outside the traditional lab setting of neuroscience. Initially intimidated by the transition, I've…

Think Versus Feel: Understanding the Difference in Market Research

With the school year winding down my two high-school-aged teenagers are tasked with course selection for next year. Recent conversations at the dinner table have become an opportunity to learn more about their interests and certain jobs that…

Generative AI tools do not absolve us of thinking

If you write content of any kind, I’m willing to bet (do you have Venmo?) you’ve played around with at least one Generative AI tool to test its capabilities and determine if it’s a good sidekick in churning out content-related tasks. It’s…

Work/Life Balance

I decided to share some personal thoughts in this Blog post. We all have different perspectives when it comes to work/life balance… some focus on “time”. Others focus on specific hobbies and interests. Some are extremely deliberate about…

Navigating Last-Minute Client Requests Gracefully

Last-minute client requests are common in the business world and may throw off your carefully crafted plans. How you handle those requests can make or break your reputation. It all comes down to maintaining composure and reassuring your clients…