coffee and laptop

Sleep on it

Ideba works with clients nationally/globally, which often means that we schedule calls to take place outside of normal business hours – and for me in California, it often means starting my day early. Luckily, I'm hardwired to wake up early…
resignation and packed box

A Major Impetus for the “Great Resignation” is…

A lot of heady talk surround “the great resignation.” An article in Wired magazine cited a report from Deutsche Bank’s chief UK economist stating “that people are resigning at the highest rate since 2009”. The Harvard Business…

Pitchblack in Portland

It is great to see downtown Portland thriving with activity again. The weekend was filled with people enjoying the winter light festival at Pioneer Square and filling downtown restaurants. In the spirit of things returning, I'm excited to…
take a break and smell the flowers

Are You Taking Care of Yourself?

We often spend lots of time caring for others; our kids, spouses, family members, loved ones. The truth is, you cannot take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself first. After my daughter was born at the end of 2020, I felt the…