focus on value

Selling Value vs. Cost

In B2B, everyone wants to sell based on “value” versus cost, as it ultimately means you can command a premium for your goods and services. But what does “value” mean to the customer? Here are some examples from recent research…
choosing the smiley face

Rapid Way to Bring Client Service Principles to your Business

Since Ideba was founded almost a decade ago, we’ve always prided ourselves on great customer service. In 10 years, we’ve never missed a client deadline, even with some crazy timelines… and have maintained an average customer satisfaction…
customer service wordcloud

Facts About Customer Service

If you’ve been following my past blogs, you have probably noticed a common theme. Customer service. You might not always think about the service you are providing, but I’m sure you’re always thinking about the service you are receiving.…
old film projector

Watch some old (and I mean really old) movies

The other day I watched a 1946 film called “The Big Sleep” starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall.  It’s from a period referred to as Classic Hollywood – a period that spanned the 1930s, 40s, and into the 50s. It includes some…
Santa with laptop

Your ISP is ruining Christmas

Every week for the past five years there has been an article about the decline of the traditional ad agency. I always smile, knowing that is too broad a stroke made on the industry. The real nail in the coffin is not the agency all up, but…
glasses, mustache, and bow tie

Saying Goodbye to the Hipster

For no apparent reason, I’ve always been amused by the reemergence of the term “hipster.” Merrily contemplating the term one day, I decided to do a little research on it.  Turns out that I had a pretty accurate take on its history:…
kids with backpacks

Staying in Style for Back-to-School

Parents are rejoicing across the country as they send their kids back for the first month of school. Last week, most schools reopened their doors for the new school year. And leading up to this, as with every year before, we were bombarded…
to go cup of coffee

Starbucks Wastes No Time This Year with PSL Release

Big news on college campuses across America that Starbucks officially launched their famous Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL), normally a fall-season special, on August 28th this year. It is an unprecedently early release date for a product historically…
lottery logo

Do You Think You’ll Ever Win the Lottery?

I periodically buy lottery tickets, and like many others, try to figure out how I’d spend the $100M prize. I typically start with non-profits, and work through the bucket list, including looking after friends, family and co-workers. Admit…