Ideba in One Word: Unity

When asked for one word that describes the company hosting this blog, Ideba, one word came to mind: Unity.

Webster defines unity in a few subtly different ways as:

  • Definition 1: the quality or state of not being multipleONENESS
  • Definition 2:
    1. a condition of harmonyACCORD
    2. continuity without deviation or change (as in purpose or action)
  • Definition 3:
    1. the quality or state of being made oneUNIFICATION
    2. a combination or ordering of parts in a literary or artistic production that constitutes a whole or promotes an undivided total effect
  • Definition 4: a totality of related partsan entity that is a complex or systematic whole

Plus, they’ve got a couple of academic definitions that are historical in nature – but let’s forget those for now. Given the above options, I mulled over why I immediately thought of “unity” when asked for one word to describe Ideba.  Reading over the variants of the definition, I wasn’t actually sure which one contained my reason.

Trying to make a choice, I realized that nearly each one represents an aspect of Ideba.

For instance, we are each not nearly as valuable without the rest of the team…so “oneness” is essentially why we accomplish what we do. Also, there is an enigmatic “harmony” that came together naturally with our team…although our founder had something to do with that!

Definition 3a seems like just an active version of number 1, like: “getting into” that state of oneness. So, I can toss that option aside.

Now to the more complex ones:

  • Continuity without deviation or change – this one doesn’t work as we need to be dynamic, even with purpose or action, so we’ll toss that one out
  • A combination or ordering of parts in a literary or artistic production that constitutes a whole or promotes an undivided total effect – technically, this one is close when I think about Ideba, but the exception: not every project is literary or artistic in nature, so it doesn’t quite fit
  • A totality of related parts : an entity that is a complex or systematic whole – now this one really sings to me…I think I’ve found it!

Mystery solved: Ideba is indeed “a complex, systematic whole” that I personally consider to be successful due to the “oneness” of the many people that are part of it.

I’m looking forward to what other team members have to share in our “one-word company meaning” challenge. Please check back in the coming weeks for more entries.

Mark Salow, Senior Consultant