The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts

ants working together

Ideba held its first QBR of the year last week, and while we were reviewing all the great work for our clients, it got me thinking about the mechanics of our team.

As it stands now, Ideba is made up of eight full-time employees, multiple part-time, and an advisory board of industry professionals affiliated with Ideba since its inception in 2010 – and according to LinkedIn, the average tenure of all full-time employees stands between 7.5 and 8.5 years.

I did this math, and a light went off in my head… the reason our team can consistently put out volumes of research, consulting, and creative design work with steadfast consistency and maintain a CSAT average well over 9/10 is due to our elimination of silos, and encouragement to work together. Unlike other agencies, no client account or project is “owned” by one person. Everyone has a stake in ensuring the quality deliverable, successful outcome, and long-term client relationship.

Going back to company tenure, due to our experience with each other, Ideba employees know who they can turn to for help in specific areas. Whether it is our creative team polishing a PowerPoint or eBook to dazzle, copywriters reading and commenting on content for exemplary text and attention to detail, or consultants working with client to help them use marketing material, sales enablement, and research for the most significant impact, Ideba harbors a culture of collaboration.

Philosopher Aristotle is said to have coined the phrase that we now used to define our modern concept of synergy: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts – and I have never been surer of the power of T.E.A.M. (together, everyone achieves more) than while looking through work shared and hearing how each project started with a seed and grew.

Curious to hear about teamwork from our readers too! How does your organization leverage the concept of T.E.A.M. and what have been some of your success stories? Leave a comment on LinkedIn and we will follow up with you!

-Lee Sumner, Research Director