macarons and coffee

Would You Like Some Coffee with Your Aesthetics?

Recently I was working in a café, people watching every time I took a sip of my cappuccino. The café was very pleasing to the eye. White tile, driftwood accents, greenery hanging from every wall and natural lighting filled the space. After…
red roses

Did You Buy into Valentine’s Day this Year?

To me, Valentine’s Day is an odd quasi-holiday unlike other commonly celebrated holidays. It can be polarizing: a fun day of heart-shaped candy and flowers for some, and for others, a day wrought with anxiety they feel could make or break…
putting on headphones

Headphones. Man’s New Best Friend.

Over the past 2-3 years, I’ve noticed an increase of people using their cell phones as walkie-talkies, and/or wanting to share their FaceTime moments with the world, in public places like coffee shops, restaurants, mass transit and airports. All…
smiling volunteer group

Passing the Baton of Global Education Ambassador

2018 was a fantastic year as the Ideba Global Education Ambassador. It started at an Elementary School in Hillsboro, Oregon, where our team attended the school assembly. When the assembly finished, we went from classroom to classroom passing…
pie chart being served

Our Corporate Overlords Are Having Their Cake and Eating It Too

Corporate America wants it both ways. They are hell bent on making it extremely difficult for you to engage human-to-human, while pushing employees to act (inappropriately), like you’re best buds. I have heard of the Internet.  Even use…
concert goers

Fun with Fyre

I don’t typically watch documentaries, barely making it a quarter the way through a Netflix murderer-of-some-sort series and then realize I just don't care whodunnit. But after all the weekend hype, I watched the documentary Fyre: The…
child with VR glasses

Brave New Virtual Reality World

In the world of marketing, we’re perpetually evolving our capabilities to deliver cutting edge media formats that our clients require to be competitive. One area of preparation over the past 4 years has been VR: including Virtual Reality,…
bullhorn on computer

Shameless Product Placement in Pop Music Videos

I love pop music videos because they serve one purpose for the industry: to shamelessly advertise musicians and sponsored products through vivid colors, rapid movement, and stimulation of basic human instincts. I love that they appear stupid…
this year I will list

New Year’s Resolutions? There’s an App for That.

We’ve all been there. It’s the start of another year and you’ve made another New Year’s resolution. You tell yourself that it won't be like the previous year's resolutions where you forgot about it after a week or two or you weren’t…