Tag Archive for: uganda2020

Uganda 2020: Lee Sumner
Uganda community outreach and support initiative is
something that I have been hearing about, second hand, from those within my
company for many years. It is an honor and a privilege to be lending a hand in
the 2020 effort.
My goals…

Uganda 2020: Perri Read
Top three things I’m looking forward to most
from the 2020 trip:
Contributing firsthand to a project that Ideba has been supporting for a long time. I’m excited to see what the school looks like and gain a more in depth understanding…

Uganda 2020: Mark Hutchins
Favorite things about Uganda:
students at the school were really awesome in their drive, their curiosity, and
knowledge. I was very impressed with everything they were doing.The
food is really good. I especially loved the peanuts…

Uganda 2020: Mark Salow
Top three things I’m looking forward to most
from the 2020 trip:
Experiencing what it’s like right at the equator. I’ve never been to it, the school is just north of it, but the nature park we’re visiting is right on it. So,…

Uganda 2020: Laura Hutchins
Favorite thing (or things) about Uganda:
Positivity and hard work are first, always. There are signs all around the school about how to be active, do hard work, be successful. You see the motivation in the students, the teachers and…

Uganda 2020: Jocelyn Vandergeest
I see the Uganda 2020 trip based on 4 themes: Connect, Learn, Support & Thrive.
Connect: Connecting and collaborating with
the students of Mpondwe Secondary School and other localsLearn: Getting out of my own bubble (city,

Uganda 2020: James Gleason
I love the fact that this school’s leadership is not
looking for a “hand out”, but a “hand up”. They are not expecting us to bail
them out and care for their finances. They are doing a great job leading in
their areas of expertise…

Uganda 2020: Dan Rosen
Worth getting up early for: Sunrise at Simba safari Lodge.
Top tip: Don’t forget wet wipes, bottled water and sunscreen.
Keep an eye out for: Troops of Baboons walking down the road alongside motorbikes carrying 3 to 4 people and…

Uganda 2020: Barb Gordon
The favorite thing about Uganda for me is the resilience
of the people. Over and over I am amazed
at the laundry list of things that they contend with daily, but we are met with
genuine enthusiasm when talking about new ideas and…