Surviving, Then Thriving

COVID-19 has without a doubt been the most significant event in living memory, in terms of its impact on every person on earth. We all know someone that’s had the virus. And too many know of someone lost to the virus.
Many business owners have been pushed to the limits mentally, burning through life savings, furloughing employees, and at worst, having to close down. As a business owner, my heart goes out to each and every owner living through that pain, as it takes a toll on your health and your relationships.
A glass half full kinda guy, I have begun to see green shoots in the retail and restaurant industry – smaller retailers reinventing themselves through social, stronger online presence, and creative ways to merchandise and sell. And for restaurateurs, watching them get creative with patios, and side-streets…I’m noticing that some have as many tables outside their restaurant (if not more) than they used to have inside. Which leaves me thinking…if you take a longer-term perspective, these restaurants have the potential to add back inside dining post-pandemic (yes it will end one day!), further promote delivery and take-out; AND maintain higher outside capacity so they can ultimately drive higher revenues in years to come.
There are of course many businesses that have/will re-invent themselves post-COVID, and my hope and prayer is that there will be increased benefits longer term—for both new businesses, and those seeking to re-establish themselves, leveraging new operating models. In the first 7-8 months of the pandemic, survival for many has been the name of the game, but let’s hope that changes soon from surviving, to thriving—as people the world over seek to get back to a sense of normalcy in months and years to come.
If you know of any businesses or industries that have caught your attention due to their resiliency and agility, please drop me a line, at—I’d love to hear from you.
– David Sly, President & Founder