customer service wordcloud

Facts About Customer Service

If you’ve been following my past blogs, you have probably noticed a common theme. Customer service. You might not always think about the service you are providing, but I’m sure you’re always thinking about the service you are receiving.…
old film projector

Watch some old (and I mean really old) movies

The other day I watched a 1946 film called “The Big Sleep” starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall.  It’s from a period referred to as Classic Hollywood – a period that spanned the 1930s, 40s, and into the 50s. It includes some…
Santa with laptop

Your ISP is ruining Christmas

Every week for the past five years there has been an article about the decline of the traditional ad agency. I always smile, knowing that is too broad a stroke made on the industry. The real nail in the coffin is not the agency all up, but…
glasses, mustache, and bow tie

Saying Goodbye to the Hipster

For no apparent reason, I’ve always been amused by the reemergence of the term “hipster.” Merrily contemplating the term one day, I decided to do a little research on it.  Turns out that I had a pretty accurate take on its history:…
kids with backpacks

Staying in Style for Back-to-School

Parents are rejoicing across the country as they send their kids back for the first month of school. Last week, most schools reopened their doors for the new school year. And leading up to this, as with every year before, we were bombarded…
video call illustration

Communication and Conference Calls

I’ve been spending a lot of time helping clients to enhance their staff’s level of service. In the world that we live in everyone expects the red carpet to be rolled out for them. We all want, and most of the time expect, that special…
young businessman with a red tie shouting furiously at his mobile phone

Stop the Annoying Robocall

Robo, scam, and spam calls are on the rise and it doesn’t appear they will stop any time soon. According to statistics provided by YouMail, 3.4 billion robocalls were placed nationwide in April 2018. That is up significantly from just four…
customer loyalty strategy

Using Great Customer Service as a Means of Differentiation in an Increasingly Commoditized World

Over the last decade, we’ve all experienced the increased automation of customer service, from telephone/online banking, to technical support, to checking in or out of hotels. The list is endless. We’ve also seen an increased emphasis…
smiling volunteer group

Ideba Gives Back: Foundation for Sustainable Families

Two weeks ago, we got the whole Ideba team together in Tampa, Florida to visit the Foundation for Sustainable Families. If you’ve been following us on Twitter or LinkedIn, you probably know that this year, we’re supporting this Foundation…