Tag Archive for: advertising

food cart in airstream

Where have all the big ideas gone in advertising?

The shape of advertising has changed significantly in the last two decades, with the advent of digital (and associated tech advances), a desire by large corporations to in-source advertising and all things creative, to save money – and the…
coffee beans

Strong Coffee, Even Stronger Transparency

Think back to an experiment-like advertisement you’ve seen where strangers are asked to try a certain product compared to another. Just like a Pepsi commercial where customers are disgusted with the taste of Coca Cola, then absolutely enlightened…
bullhorn on computer

Shameless Product Placement in Pop Music Videos

I love pop music videos because they serve one purpose for the industry: to shamelessly advertise musicians and sponsored products through vivid colors, rapid movement, and stimulation of basic human instincts. I love that they appear stupid…
oscar figurines

And The Oscar Goes To…

This has been an exceptional season in Academy Award nominated film marketing.  My history in marketing feature films goes back to late 90’s and I still pay very close attention. I’ve also personally always been a film buff as well so my…
vintage radio on table

Research Finds Radio Advertising Works

I’ve never heard a radio advertisement I liked - everything about them bugs me. From the fanatical announcer, to repeating of the phone number three or more times, the obnoxious jingles… everything. Must give a little credit to Tom Shane…
happy holidays

Holiday Commercial Creep

I wondered if it was just me…or if holiday TV commercials were appearing even earlier this year.  It was literally the day after Halloween when I noticed what was clearly a holiday commercial – of the Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa ilk…not…