business puzzle

Top 10 Lessons Learned from Win/Loss Research in Q1, 2021

Over the past 12 months, Ideba has seen a significant increase in the volume of qualitative win/loss research, with CROs and executive leadership looking for an unbiased, third-party perspective into why their company is winning and losing…
ants working together

The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts

Ideba held its first QBR of the year last week, and while we were reviewing all the great work for our clients, it got me thinking about the mechanics of our team. As it stands now, Ideba is made up of eight full-time employees, multiple…
business meeting charts

Storytelling Tips for Better Presentations

Storytelling has been used since the beginning of time to derive deeper meanings of situations and life experiences. Storytelling is used frequently in marketing and branding to appear more relatable and engage customers to become more invested…
men on bikes

Uganda 2022 – Getting Back in the Saddle

Having supported Mpondwe Lhubiriha Secondary School for the past six years with capital projects, supplies and scholarships, the Ideba team and friends were looking forward to a large construction project in Summer, 2020 – building dormitories…
medical expenses

Enjoying the best healthcare system in the world

You enter the hospital at 5:30 AM for hip surgery. You walk up to the desk and you’re asked for  money. Having endured an unthinkable period of time in sometimes ghastly pain in order to save up enough to cover your bodacious out-of-pocket…
bitcoin bull market

Digital Fungus

As the Crypto Economic Era bull market rages, with Bitcoin and Ethereum surpassing their all-time highs, we are seeing a range of blockchain-based businesses, applications, and projects entering the market. One of the most intriguing categories…
hand setting down 5th star on wood table

Exceptional Client Service Always Wins

So much has changed over the past year, it’s hard to identify what’s remained constant. Many companies have struggled to stay open while others have been able to thrive. Products are obviously important and likely primary reasons why companies…
typing on keyboard

A Couple Unexpected Perks to Working in Market Research

I noticed something the other morning while I was working on a research presentation for one of our clients, and it made me chuckle a bit. While I was alphabetizing various names of competitors, I realized that I was able to put them in…
walking on balance beam

Work-Life-Pandemic Balance

While we may see an end in sight to the pandemic, remote working is here to stay. Many organizations are thinking about taking a “hybrid office” approach where some people are working in offices, while others stay at home. As our President,…