Can’t find time? Find a way.

And, no – multitasking is not the answer. We know that focus, accuracy, attention to detail, service, and quality are compromised when you are spread too thin. Whether you have 10 tables that need their checks, refills, and extra sauce on a football Sunday… or are responding to emails, making coffee, and feeding your newborn all while on a Zoom call… multitasking is never the answer.

“Doing” many things at once poorly is no flex. Yet, we still feel the need to do it to catch up or get ahead.

Training, education, and growth and development opportunities seem to consistently slip to the back burner. Are you guilty of creating calendar holds for these, but the commitment is too hard to keep?  On the flipside, think about your clients. Are they struggling to learn about the products and services you offer, while keeping up with business as usual? Are you setting them up for success?

Let’s unpack the inevitable urge to multitask when time is limited and remove our barriers to growing together. A few strategies I personally find useful:

  1. Protect your time: Be mindful of when you set aside time for learning by planning ahead for potential conflicts. A calendar block does not necessarily translate to a mental block (be realistic with yourself when scheduling).
  2. Maximize small moments that matter: Instead of opening that social media app, review a module or connect with a mentor when you have a pocket of time. Flashcards were always my friend for these moments growing up!
  3. Identify your optimal time for learning or focus: Morning or night. Before, after or between calls. You name it and stick to it.
  4. Find twofers: A two-for-one satisfies two goals with one action, without the harms of multitasking. For example, challenge yourself to apply new skills you are learning in your everyday work or walk and talk. Double down on what you do and how you do it.

Please drop me a line in the comments or at to share what works for you. In the end, your customers and colleagues will thank you!

– Leah McQuillan, Research Manager