Behind the Scenes at Ideba: Learning and Growing as a High School Intern

As a rising senior in high school, I am currently going through the stress-free and relaxing process of applying to colleges. But in all seriousness, it is an exciting time to explore your interests and see what you want to do with your life (although your idea may change fifty times before college graduation). I have spent a month starting to understand the customer satisfaction side of Ideba. This experience has taught me not only about many different aspects of business but also about myself and my abilities.

Ideba offers interns a unique look into the operations of different types of businesses.

With all of the clients I worked with operating business to business, I could see the specifics of an array of companies that I didn’t even know existed. Listening to and analyzing customer feedback, I have learned about nuanced trends in various industries, the importance of matching your sales pitch with your deliverables, and much more. With this unique view, I have seen more of business as a whole working with Ideba than I would have been able to at any other internship.

It is interesting to hear people’s stories. Market research is more personal than you’d think.

I have always found an interest in getting to know other people and hearing their stories. When I went into this internship, I did not think that I would get to feed that interest. However, listening to feedback about customer satisfaction can be more personal than I thought. Although some do not include much personal detail, others open up about their experience and how it touched other aspects of their work and lives. From a small business owner who has had issues with their product causing much stress to a higher-up at a large law firm excited about all of the help they have received and how it has made their life easier, I was able to see the different perspectives and stories and even be a small part of helping the people who may need changes.

Interning at Ideba has helped me gain confidence and see that I can produce high-quality work.

At the start of my internship, I was nervous about being the youngest and most inexperienced person at Ideba. Although nobody made me feel like I was not entirely up for the job, I was intimidated. As I began working, if I was told I did a great job, part of me thought, “Are they just saying that to be nice, or was it actually good?” After I had gained my footing, I realized that the encouragement was genuine, motivating me to maintain and surpass that standard.

This internship has been an invaluable experience, providing me with insights into the world of business and helping me grow both professionally and personally. As I look forward to my senior year and the exciting yet daunting process of college applications, I carry the lessons learned and the confidence gained from my time at Ideba. This experience has broadened my understanding of customer satisfaction and reinforced my belief in my capabilities. I am excited to see where my future takes me and am grateful for the foundation Ideba has helped me build.

I am genuinely grateful for all the help I have received this past month. The team at Ideba has gone out of their way to ensure that I get the most out of my short time here. I think it is vital for everyone, not just students, to find experiences that will push you out of your comfort zone and give you new perspectives. Whether something is entirely new to you or you are very well versed in it, it can never hurt to see it from a different side.

Madeline Randa – Research Intern