So similar, and yet so different

Through multiple team dinners at Quarterly Business Reviews, we’ve established that one of the things the Ideba team has in common is a love of travel. It’s something that we all enjoy; and the company has a benefits package centered around our passion for travel – including two free flights anywhere in the world every five years, and covering ground transportation costs during employees vacations. Dinners conversations have often centered around favorite places to visit, or shared experiences, if we have been to the same places.
When it comes to tastes in music, I don’t think we could have a wider cross-section of genres and favorite songs ever. So here it is!
Jenna Whelan New York State of Mind, by Billy Joel
Aaron Baldwin Dancing in the minefields, by Andrew Peterson
James Rice Boyfriend, by Justin Bieber
Leonce Gaiter Piano, Violin & Cello, by the Charles Ives Trio
Lee Sumner The Way, by Fastball
David Sly Sky Full of Stars, by Coldplay
Mark Salow Ode to Joy, by Ludwig van Beethoven
Perri Read The Chain, by Fleetwood Mac
Dan Rosen A Day in the Life, by The Beatles
Jocelyn Van der Geest Banana Pancakes, by Jack Johnson
Looking forward to hearing how the team reacts to this list… Admittedly, I had not heard some of the tracks before they were sent my way.
So what’s your favorite song on your playlist? Drop me a line at and let me know. Would love to hear from you!
#aaronbaldwin #danrosen #jamesrice #jennawhelan #jocelynvandergeest #leesumner #leoncegaiter #marksalow #perriread #entertainment #favesongs #Ideba