Not all clients are created equal.

My curiosity was captured by a question posed last week on LinkedIn… "Is the customer always right?" I thought about it from a couple of other angles: "Do vendors always have to act in a subservient manner, and do good and bad clients…

Am I Built for the Future?

Here's the thing: I'm a Gen X guy, smack dab in the digital evolution crossroads, with a suitcase full of gadgets that have turned into nothing more than high-tech doorstops. My journey began with the unforgettable screech of dial-up internet,…

The Power of Stretching

        I. The Desk Dilemma Maintaining a healthy work-life balance with a desk job can be a real challenge. With most of our time spent hovering over our desks and staring at our devices, our bodies feel the strain. Although desks serve…
Your habits decide your future

Don’t leave crumbs, dissect your success, and give your obstacles credit!

It’s the end of February – arguably the most difficult time of year (in Western Pennsylvania, at least) to stay motivated. We’ve crawled out of the thick of post-holiday blues, kicked off New Year’s resolutions, and tried to celebrate…
business people talking and meeting on the street

The Importance of Empathy

Having empathy allows us to connect with others on a deep level, foster understanding, compassion, and positive relationships. A key component of being empathetic is the ability to practice active listening. This means that you are genuinely…
Young businesswoman holding presentation to diverse group of people

Exceptional Customer Experiences Matter

Here on the Ideba blog, we’ve written many times about the value of providing excellent customer service, and how training your team can dramatically improve client satisfaction. We know how pivotal client service is from our own research,…
Businesspeople having meeting in the office

Why Executives and Marketing Leaders Need to Consider Research

In today’s fast-paced business environment, executives in leadership and marketing are often responsible for the task of driving innovation and influencing positive change within their organization. Inevitably, those looking to shake up the…
multiracial group of people sitting at an airport

Social media is getting better for corporations

Social media isn’t as social as it used to be. As I write, CEOs of major social sites are testifying before Congress about their seeming unwillingness to make their platforms less addictive and toxic for minors and why their algorithms favor…
smartphone with wired earphones

‘Audio Archiving’: A Mindful Alternative to Photography

We've all heard the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words.” Well, if that’s true, I think a sound could be worth a million. In a world saturated with visual stimuli, we often only rely on photos to capture the essence of our experiences.…