From Data to Decisions: Business Intelligence for Competitive Advantage

In today's hyper-competitive business landscape, data isn't just an asset—it's the lifeblood of strategic decision-making. Yet, despite the overwhelming volume of data generated every second, many companies struggle to transform this raw information…

Attention to detail goes a long way

Attention to detail feels so simple but is very complex and requires deliberate thought and energy. I sometimes find that people choose speed over detail. Guess what? Doing things fast won’t matter if the details are incorrect. In fact, you…

Can’t find time? Find a way.

And, no – multitasking is not the answer. We know that focus, accuracy, attention to detail, service, and quality are compromised when you are spread too thin. Whether you have 10 tables that need their checks, refills, and extra sauce on…

Fundamental Truths

Throughout my career I have paid significant attention to learning fundamental rules that consistently lead to success when applied. Removing all factors of circumstance, luck, bias, and favorable conditions, these are the practical and true…

White-glove service is in the details

In preparation for a recent flight, I downloaded all four episodes of Netflix’s Working: What We Do All Day, figuring I’d maybe watch part of one – in addition to listening to a few podcasts, answering some emails, and hopefully taking…

Tech desperately wants AI for its ‘next big thing’

AI is a bit of a mess right now: “The race to lead AI has become a desperate hunt for the digital data needed to advance the technology. To obtain that data, tech companies including OpenAI, Google, and Meta have cut corners, ignored corporate…

The Subjectivity of 1-10 Scale Ratings: Navigating Nuances in Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction ratings serve as a vital tool for us at Ideba to gauge the success of not just our client’s products and services, but our own work as well. The quintessential 10/10 rating is often the coveted benchmark. However, beneath…

Smooth Implementations: Are you setting your customers up for success?

Prospective first-time home buyer here. As anyone who has bought a house knows, this process can be stressful. For me, the saving grace has been having a knowledgeable and transparent realtor. On the internet, there are conflicting answers to…

We Are the Champions: Leveraging the Power of Customer Advocacy

If you live in the Pacific Northwest, moss is a part of life. The moist temperate climate is the perfect breeding ground for spores to spread easily and quickly. If you leave something outside all winter, I guarantee that by the spring solstice,…