calendar on computer

What is Quiet Quitting?

A friend/co-worker recently introduced me to the term “quiet quitting”. If you haven’t heard of it, it basically means that you dial back your day-to-day work responsibilities and shift from a high performing capacity to one that does…
man giving little girl globe

Why Giving Back Should Be a Priority for Youth Today

Being actively involved in philanthropic pursuits since I was 12 years old, I am often asked what motivates me to do so. All in all, I truly feel that giving back is a part of my DNA, a part of who I am. By being an active member of society,…

Savoring August

I am not one of those people who eagerly anticipates fall. Summer is my season. I am my happiest self between June and September. When I lived in the Caribbean, coworkers and friends who had moved to St. Thomas from somewhere with seasons would…
Eiffel tower at night

Three Things Guaranteed to Make You Smile

One month and two days ago, I left the USA for a two-month, summer long trip across Europe. When I left on June 24th, the only plans I had were my one way ticket to Scotland and to meet up with my family in Greece on July 18th. During those…
hand writing in journal

Writing from Scratch

I was an extremely anxious writer growing up for two reasons: my thoughts would race through my mind too fast for me to translate into complete sentences, and I never felt as if my work was truly done. I grew up learning and speaking two languages.…
football field

The High School Experience in Hindsight

The good ol’ American high school experience doesn’t solely constitute cheerleaders and school formals and Friday night lights (granted, the latter took up an unimaginable amount of time), rather, it is a time to better cultivate one’s…
hand holding water bottle

Can Advertising Make Everything Free?

I may be late hearing about this organization called FreeWater ("The World's First Free Beverage Company"), but upon learning of them I was dropped into an existential black hole where, for a moment, everything I had once thought about consumerism…
sunrise at beach

Summer is Here… Start Your Day with a Smile

Today marks the official start to summer. I am lucky enough to live in a small beach town in New Jersey (as non-locals call it “The Jersey Shore”). As the sun starts to rise earlier and earlier, I find it much easier to wake up and get…
smiling smartphone

Know What Your Customers Expect from Your Solutions — and Your Company

Judging from the customer satisfaction score (CSAT) and voice of the customer (VOC) research Ideba regularly conducts, customer expectations seem to be funneling into two main categories. The categories define what customers expect from the…