The Critical Importance of White Glove Service Training

If you know me, you know I’m obsessed with customer service. I’m constantly singing from the rooftop when something goes well, and I’m quick to share a negative experience (just ask my husband). Having spent so much time working in hospitality and focusing exclusively on providing exceptional service, I love being on the receiving end.

During white glove service training sessions, we often ask participants to share their best-ever customer service experience. Many times, those stories start with something going wrong and the company/employee needing to recover, versus something just being great from the start. I’m sure we can each share many negative experiences, but I’ll share a recent positive experience (as I tend to do in these blog posts).

On a recent trip with our kids, we rented a car to make commuting a bit easier. I never look forward to dealing with rental car companies. It usually feels very transactional with little to no compassion or empathy. Boy did Hertz prove me wrong. Upon returning the car to the airport in Newark, we were starting to unload the vehicle. The lady who came to check the car back in asked that we stop taking things out of the car and offered a ride to the terminal. She explained that if we chose to unload the car and walk, it is a hike (especially lugging 2 car seats, a stroller, and our suitcases). She quickly found another Hertz employee who promptly jumped in the car and drove us to the terminal in the same car we were returning (thankful we didn’t have to unload, load, unload again). His conversation in the car was genuine and enjoyable. He even tailored topics to engage my 3-year-old in the discussion. And it didn’t end there. As he pulled up to the terminal, he got out of the car and unloaded it with my husband, making sure we didn’t leave anything behind. That is not a service I’d expect from a car rental company, but I can tell you that we will absolutely book with them again (and already have as a matter of fact). At that moment it was clear that we were cared about as humans. Someone had compassion for our travel situation and anticipated needs we didn’t even know we had.

We just completed 10 training sessions for a client who said, “you must start by doing the basics brilliantly”. That is relatable for any person in any role. If you don’t get the basics right, the rest doesn’t matter. Wanting to do more than the basics of providing service comes from the heart. You must focus relentlessly on enhancing every aspect of the customer experience. It’s not just about solving problems, it’s about anticipating needs, exceeding expectations, and creating moments that leave a positive lasting impression.

An extreme focus on service creates a sense of trust and loyalty that is difficult for competitors to break. Loyal customers not only return but also become enthusiastic advocates, sharing their positive experiences and driving new business through word-of-mouth.

Want to share your best ever customer service experience, or better yet, want to learn more about our white glove service training? Send me a note at I’d love to hear from you!

Jenna Whelan – VP of Consulting and Research Services