Tag Archive for: tv

My Guilty Pleasure in 2020
During 2020 I developed a guilty pleasure which is that I have been watching—and loving—cringeworthy reality TV shows streaming on Netflix, Hulu, and TLC.
It all started with an age-old relationship challenge
whereby my girlfriend…

Ultimate Training Film: The Walking Dead
The anti-maskers are scary people. I have friends and relatives in the medical
field and one thing is true: it’s completely wrong to believe that masks don’t
matter. The fact that there’s a 75%
reduction of transmitting or absorbing…

Need for Nostalgia
While the future still seems uncertain in
some cases, it is enjoyable to look back on the past and re-connect to some
things that we know and love. This can be done in many different ways. Some
people are reconnecting virtually with old…