Navigating the Future of Content Strategy with AI: Insights from Sarah O’Keefe

Connecting customers to the content that they need to be successful has always been critical to success. We all know, as end-users and through personal experience, the importance of having the right content at our fingertips when we are trying to accomplish an action or task (or the frustration when we are in a pickle to resolve something). With AI-supported searches, customers are relying on a compatible content strategy that leverages these tools more than ever.

Most companies have explored and implemented AI tooling for content search and discovery. In turn, they have enhanced content accessibility and relevance. They are also using AI to personalize content recommendations for their users to increase engagement and targeted content. AI-driven content search tools are also improving the overall user experience, and the efficiency and relevance provided by AI contribute to a more streamlined and satisfying content discovery process.

As the landscape of content strategy has rapidly evolved alongside AI, Sarah O’Keefe (arguably the ‘queen’ of content strategy) continues to offer some thought-provoking perspectives on how artificial intelligence intersects with content strategy. One notable standout is her advocacy of a structured approach for content management.

O’Keefe believes a structured content approach is essential not just for organization but for maximizing the effectiveness of emerging technologies, including AI. What does a structured content strategy entail? It involves organizing and tagging information systematically, to enhance the ability of AI to analyze, categorize, and surface the content appropriately. By laying a solid foundation, businesses can ensure that their content remains coherent and easily navigable, which is crucial as the volume and complexity of content continue to grow.

One of the core benefits of structured content is its impact on content discovery and retrieval. When content is well-structured, AI algorithms can more efficiently surface relevant information, improving both searchability and personalization.

O’Keefe also emphasizes structured content supports scalability. As organizations expand their content offerings, having a consistent framework in place helps maintain quality and consistency. This is particularly important in large-scale content operations where maintaining a unified voice and message can be challenging.

A structured approach facilitates better collaboration across teams. Clear content structures enable different departments—such as marketing, development, and customer support—to work more effectively with the same set of content, ensuring alignment and reducing duplication of effort.

Check out one of the many podcasts by Sarah O’Keefe, like this one: We have AI – can we ditch structured content now? Her emphasis on structured content is a call to action to build robust content frameworks that not only streamline operations but also leverage AI to enhance content utility and user experience. By investing in a structured approach, organizations can navigate the complexities of modern content landscapes with greater agility and precision.

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– Leah McQuillan, Research Manager