‘Everyday People Doing Everyday Things’ Videos
Has anyone found their family (kids in particular), friends, or themselves interested in watching videos of everyday people doing everyday things lately? Nothing spectacular, like professional sports or performances, but simple or routine activities?…

Research, Consulting, and Crocheting
My aunt recently taught me how to crochet, and I love it! As a research analyst and coordinator, I’ve learned the many ways that crocheting relates to my profession and helps me continue to provide quality work. I thought this blog would…

The Cheese Tax
I’ve noticed a lot of marketing has adopted heavier tones in response to society’s most important and critical topics of conversation: mental health, social/environmental responsibility, safety, and exploration using technology to do more…

Five minutes (or more, if you have them!) to better health
My weather app shows it’s going to be beautiful in Philadelphia next week, and forecasts like this are only one of the many reasons June is my favorite month of the year. It’s so much easier to get out of bed and take that walk before work…