Tag Archive for: makingadifference

90-days of Giving: When things get rough, apply the Golden Rule!
Let’s face it… life isn’t always fair.
We all face adversity, disappointment and hurt – in our personal and professional lives. Some of it you control. And some you don’t.
But what if everyone reading this reacted to a negative…

An easy way for you to give back and make a difference in ways you’ll never know.
I often get emails or questions from people wanting to give back at their place of work, and not knowing where to start.
During @ideba’s Annual Business Review last year, we sent $75 VISA gift cards to 75 clients, for them to hand out…

Raising the Bar and Giving Thanks at the Ideba Annual Business Review
Borne as a remote team 12 years ago, we’ve always appreciated business reviews, for quality facetime, and to collaborate on new initiatives. Having weathered COVID as well as any firm, avoiding disruption to business operations, we’re proud…

A Day in the Life of a Truck
The rise of low-code software gets a lot of attention, and deservedly, for opening accessibility to familiar tools to create friendly and connected apps. But often overlooked are the platforms that have empowered user customization for…