Tag Archive for: clientservice

Navigating Last-Minute Client Requests Gracefully

Last-minute client requests are common in the business world and may throw off your carefully crafted plans. How you handle those requests can make or break your reputation. It all comes down to maintaining composure and reassuring your clients…

Not all clients are created equal.

My curiosity was captured by a question posed last week on LinkedIn… "Is the customer always right?" I thought about it from a couple of other angles: "Do vendors always have to act in a subservient manner, and do good and bad clients…
two towels on beadspread

Airbnb’s White-Glove Experience vs. the Mediocre Standard

Airbnb has become a pioneer in the world of hospitality, not only for its diverse array of accommodations but also for the unique experiences it provides in terms of client service. As a frequent traveler, I use Airbnb to book exclusive, affordable…
turnaround time

Turning Around Customer Service

Last week, the Ideba team met in Palo Alto to have dinner with (surprise guest!) Oscar Munoz. It was so interesting to hear the former United Airlines CEO speak about how he turned around the airline through a somewhat surprising strategy:…
woman writing down a schedule

Client Service Takes a Hit when Triple Booking Yourself for Meetings

In today's fast-paced world, juggling multiple tasks and meetings has become the norm for many professionals. While it may seem like a way to be more efficient (which I’ve now heard from several clients), it’s dangerous to triple-book…
magnifying glass between happy and sad faces

Your Call is Important to Us

We recently switched internet service providers. We put it off as long as we could to avoid the headache until we couldn't take the sporadic buffering when streaming our favorite shows (have you seen Severance?). The sales experience was straightforward…
two men shaking hands at a table with others

The Golden (Flake) Standard of Customer Service

In a society filled with hustle culture, most people don’t know how or when to stop and ask for help. The refusal to seek help dials down to the common question: why let someone help, when I can do it better myself? Or moreover: why let someone…
call center employees gathered around computer

Transforming Customer Service Through our Bespoke White Glove Service Training

The line between ordinary and extraordinary customer service can be thin, yet it can make a world of difference. Service excellence is not just about meeting customer expectations, but exceeding them, turning casual customers into long-term…