Tag Archive for: culture

teamwork in the sun

Do You Believe?

OK, that’s a question we often think of during the Holiday season, and many of us think back to early childhood years, when Santa was very real. In the last few weeks, I’ve reflected the importance of “belief” for a whole different…
resignation and packed box

A Major Impetus for the “Great Resignation” is…

A lot of heady talk surround “the great resignation.” An article in Wired magazine cited a report from Deutsche Bank’s chief UK economist stating “that people are resigning at the highest rate since 2009”. The Harvard Business…
success attributes

Why Training Can Be a Competitive Differentiator for You

When you think about training, it should be a “must have” for all organizations. But to what extent does training become a competitive differentiator? Basic technical training is what I would consider critical. Equally, service training…
three sprouting plants


Considering the increasing importance of culture in the workplace, picking “Growth” as the one word that describes Ideba was a fairly easy choice. Growth from a professional perspective – growing as a team and as a company; as…
glasses, mustache, and bow tie

Saying Goodbye to the Hipster

For no apparent reason, I’ve always been amused by the reemergence of the term “hipster.” Merrily contemplating the term one day, I decided to do a little research on it.  Turns out that I had a pretty accurate take on its history:…
Map of Asia

Remembering Asian Market Diversity

Last year, I was fortunate enough to spend four months living in Singapore while attending a local university. One of the classes I took discussed the huge variances among Asian countries and regions, areas often lumped together and deemed similar…